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Seaside Guidance..and a little bit of Nonsense

with Brooke

Meet Brooke

Life Coach & More...

Hey y’all …. My name is Brooke.


I love the simple things in life. I believe that laughter is the best medicine and try to find humor in everyday circumstances that others may take a little more seriously!?  A bit sarcastic with the occasional colorful word or two...I pride myself in keeping it real and letting y’all get to know the real me and how I am on a daily basis. Wrap that package up with love and positivity and Yep - that sounds about right!

That’s me. 


I enjoy helping others grow into the best selves they can be and finding creative ways to show others what I’ve learned along the way because Lord have I learned some things, whew! Most of the time you will hear me finding a funny way to tell a short story because hey - let’s be honest - more people want to hear a funny story than a boring one right!? 


Don’t let my silliness fool ya! I actually do have a degree (or four) and am intrigued with learning.  Some of the best advice I can give is that we never know everything. There is an entire world out there to learn about and explore and I encourage each of you to

take even 20 minutes out of your day throughout your lifetime to learn something new and inquire more about something you may not know everything about yet. Growth, even a little, goes a long way!


My professional background is in Marketing. I’ve done everything from drive new customers through on-site tent activations to working with players in the NBA to do store visits. I’ve done targeted marketing and most recently went back to school to receive a Digital Marketing Degree with Clemson University. Hence my newfound passion in social media platforms to grow my circle of friends such as TikTok (brookieb4real). I also received my Certification with Google Analytics from Clemson University - I think I have a ‘thing’ with schools that have Tigers as the mascot!? You’ll see a trend here! 


One thing that was always consistent with my marketing career is that I found a tremendous amount of joy being able to help people, do prize giveaways or create a VIP experience for a family to bring them happiness and many times opportunities they wouldn’t have otherwise had it not been for the marketing campaign I helped design for them to enter and win.

I did an event with the Harlem Globetrotters one time and was able to grant a “wish” for a family who had a child with cancer. Being able to creatively come up with a way for that child to have a VIP experience with the basketball players he admired - fulfilled me in a way I can never explain to y’all here in this bio.


You also notice a trend of me saying Y’all - because I’m southern! Correct grammar or not - it’s y’all you’ll hear from me through and through! 


With a passion for giving back and wanting to learn how to help myself grow and others, I was led to the Life Coaching Certification I now have from Auburn University. Did I mention I’m from the state of Alabama and my daddy graduated from Auburn? So yes, there was definitely a reason why I chose Auburn for this course of study. It’s always been on my bucket list to graduate from Auburn, and I was finally able to tick this box off! Yay! Not to mention being able to let my daddy be able to say he has a daughter who graduated from Auburn was another one of the biggest fulfillments for me receiving this certification. 


So, being from Alabama so you’ll often hear me talk about the south, my family from there and anything else funny that comes to my mind in the moment. I’m a boy mom who runs from baseball and basketball practices and school. That makes dinner while working a full-time job and somehow fits doing laundry into the mix. Oh yeah - and now this! 


I’m a dog mom and cat mom so you may hear some random stories about them too every now and then! Some cute - and random cat vomit episodes that are less than cute. Yeah, those moments aren’t cute at all. YUCK.


As a single mom raising a daughter, I wanted her to be proud of me and me be an example for her, so I went to school to get another one of my degrees in Business Management. I guess you can say I’m a bit of a melting pot when it comes to knowledge. A lot of the drive inside of me however comes from wanting others to be proud of me and all I’ve accomplished. I’ve never had a selfish reason really to learn what I have to this point; I have kiddos that depend on me and want to be the best me and mom I can be, so I always try to find new ways to do this…we don’t need others approval by any means but having more reasons than just myself to push me to that next level never has hurt either…


My company name is Seaside Guidance LLC which I began in 2020. I tabled it for a bit however with Covid and other things that needed to take priority and am back at it again.  Now that I graduated, I feel it is the right time to take the plunge and see what this little business of mine can become. I hope to be able to leave some type of legacy, again not for myself, but for others - my family and the lives I hopefully am blessed enough to touch. 


I live near the water in Virginia and want to encourage and help others through my Life Coaching Certification - “Seaside” “Guidance” - Get It!? I added the little bit of nonsense part to be able to talk about anything else that comes to my mind however that may make you smile and warm your heart - as well as mine. It is a way to help me reach others that may just want to laugh and at some point, later a coach. Comedy and connection are just as important for people as a pie chart on how to better organize your priorities in my opinion.  If I only talk about Life Coaching and leave out the shenanigans of daily life - it’s like only seeing part of me and that just didn’t feel right. With me - what ya see is what ya get! The whole kit and caboodle! 


Follow me on TikTok and soon to be other social media platforms as well to learn tips and tricks on life coaching and hear what quirky business I’m up to outside of that! 


Sending you HUGS and a ton of love and light. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about me! I greatly appreciate all of you and looking forward to traveling together on this journey we all call LIFE! 

OMG that is hillarious. Truthfully they just appreciate you being kind to them..

- GG.

I've never related to something more!

- Barbie O.

You read my mind! And probably someone else's too!

Faith I.

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© 2023 by Brooke

Seaside Guidance LLC

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